President Woodrow Wilson’s American Stewardship: Reforms at Home, Isolationism Abroad


  • Abidah USAID, Pakistan Capacity Development Services, Islamabad
  • Ikram Badshah Department of Anthropology, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad


Woodrow Wilson, Isolationism, Interventionism, domestic affairs, foreign affairs


This review article analyzes the 28th US President, Woodrow Wilson’s domestic and foreign policies during his term prior to the First World War. In both domestic and international affairs, Wilson’s efforts and policies were focused on internal reforms and world peace, which demonstrates the spirit of US self-determinism. In terms of the domestic policies, President Wilson was devoted largely to social reforms that could have a positive impact on the lives of American people. With regards to the foreign policy, Wilson tried his utmost to avoid US entry into WWI; however, he did not succeed. Nevertheless, during the War, Wilson was more invested in domestic issues, targeting his efforts on the New Freedom ideals, despite massive resistance from the Congress. The article concludes that President Wilson stands out as an American head of state who was focused on improving the lives of middle-class Americans grounded in his faith that the latter could uniquely contribute to the economic progress of the country.


