Commitment, Compassion, and Camaraderie: A Rhetorical Analysis of Barrack Obama’s ‘Healing Our City’ Speech


  • Sarah Akhtar Hashmi Communication and Media Studies Department, Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi


Terrorism, Threat, Boston Marathon Bombing, Tsarnaev Brothers, Enemy, Stranger, Empathy, Solidarity, Resilience, Unity, Collectivism, Inclusivity, Community, Patriotism


Since 9/11, there has been an increased emphasis on protecting key public events globally through prioritized protection against terrorism via an extensive security system. The Boston Marathon Bombing was an exceptional incident in this regard that shook the city of Boston. The speech titled ‘Healing our City’ that was given by President Barrack Obama after the Boston Marathon Bombing advocated for the psychological healing of the community and the measures required to move ahead towards reconstruction after a shattering experience. It proposed the prioritization of communal well-being through an emphasis on collective efforts amid the tough phase. By centering on post-traumatic recovery, it addressed a range of actions from general sentiments to societal collaboration offering optimism and resoluteness. The tone of the speech was laden with solace, yet it was also aimed at galvanizing and empowering people by instilling a compassionate call for regeneration and reclamation during stressful times. This paper explores the efficacy and the impact of the rhetorical strategies used by Obama in his speech. The paper seeks to gain an insight into the influence that the speech was meant to have on the audience in order to contribute to the restorative process whereby the people of Boston continued their way of life by not letting fear or hatred to prevail.



